For at least the past 4 years I have been a luke-warm Christian. I am tired of learning about, and experiencing, God by accident. Two weeks ago I attended a mega church in the Twin Cities where I thought I could blend in and not be noticed. However, what ended up happening is that I noticed God, and found myself not wanting to be on the sidelines of Christianity and decided to do something about it. A couple things have drawn me to continue to call Grace Church in Eden Prairie my "churhc home" for the next 5-6 weeks. The sermon series that started the first week I went was on Nehemiah and his leadership. This topic is very important to me because I consider myself to be a leader and I know there are many lessons I need to learn. Also, during the announcements before the sermon a pastor pointed out the spiritual disciplines class that was starting that week. I read the description and decided that it would be a good fit for me and something I believe the Lord spoke to me he wanted me to do. That Monday I registered for the class, ordered the book, and told Sarah what I was doing. The really cool thing about it is that the timeline this class runs was exactly the same amount of time I have left in the twin cities as a resident. I have set a goal for myself over the last 4 months that I would not move to Iron Mountain without correcting my "luke-warmness" and establishing strong habits and disciplines so I could lead my family in its quest for Christ-likeness. I need and want to be the head of my household and for once I am doing something about it. Here's where you my reader get to take an active involvement.
Since most of the people I know on the blogging world are from the church where Sarah and I spent the last 4 years, I am counting on you to help me keep accountable to this goal and hope to interact with you and share my experiences from the next 5 weeks. This post will be my introduction and I hope to at least sum up the lessons I am learning from each week as I grow in the disciplines, if not -- and hopefully -- more frequently. So please pray for me as I try to establish life-giving habits that will produce a walk with the Lord that I have desired since my salvation. The hardest thing about that last statement, is that there is nothing magical or extremely significant about this opportunity. I am just devoting myself to "work" at being disciplined. More to come about all of this in my next post. For now, the Dunn Brothers (by far the coolest coffee shop I've been to. [pictures above] I am at is closing for the evening.